Desoto State Park – Alabama
Alabama State Park
Fort Payne AL
DeKalb County
The park is located at 7104 Desoto Parkway NE in Fort Payne AL 35967 a top Lookout Mountain- Northeast Alabama. Park headquarters 256-845-0051; email: | Country Store/Campground 256-845-5075 | 1-800-252-7275; email: | Park Lodge 1299 Blalock Dr NE , 256-845-5380 | 1-800-568-8840; email: The 3,000 acre park was named after the explorer Hernando De Soto. There are historic sites including a museum; a lodge, cabins, restaurant, swimming pool, hiking, bike trails, walking trails, waterfalls, tennis court, picnic areas and campsites.
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