Coosa County Alabama Ghost Towns

Coosa County Alabama Ghost Towns

Cottage Grove Alabama

Cottage Grove (GNIS FID: 116674) is a populated place located within the Hissop Census Designated Place. In turn, the Hissop CDP is located within Coosa County.

Latitude N32 51.345′ Longitude W86 07.354′

32°51’20.7″N 86°07’21.2″W

32.855750, -86.122567

Knights Alabama

Latitude N32 47.5051 Longitude W86 24.287′

32°47’30.3″N 86°24’17.2″W

32.791752, -86.404783

Lyle Alabama

Latitude N32 53.322′ Longitude W86 20.113′

2°53’19.3″N 86°20’06.8″W

32.888700, -86.335217

Quinsey Alabama

Quinsey is a populated place located in Coosa County.

Latitude N32 56.967′ Longitude W86 27.863′

32°56’58.0″N 86°27’51.8″W

32.949450, -86.464383