
Melvin Cane
Melvins Alabama History with Melvin Cane (alias) has been a popular topic of discussion among his relatives for over a hundred years. Melvin was born in north Alabama in 1890 and the family discussions started when Melvin first walked off the family farm around the turn of the century. Melvin was seldom seen after he walked away but he would show up often enough to let others know he was still alive. His random reappearances added further to the mystery of this man. He did not emerge from his enigmatic existance until he was 42 years of age at which time he started his family.
Melvin is not a fictional character. Melvin is an alias for a real person. Melvin’s Alabama History is the tales of his travels and his adventures made for empassioned stories from both town folks and kinfolk. Over the years the family has taken every opportunity to investigate the tales in order to separate those that may be true from those proven to be nothing more than homemade folklore. As would be expected, the stories, regardless of their origin or validity found their way to Melvin’s descendents.
Frankly, Melvin was an embarrasement to some of the family. Other family members bragged that the stories, if true, would show that Melvin embodied all the characteristics of an American hero.
One young male family member that grew up listening almost daily to these stories about Melvin became Melvin’s biggest fan. The boy was often scolded by family members that spoke of Melvin with disdain. Other family members, in particular the boy’s mother, a full blooded Cherokee, would encourage the boy to remember his grandfather with pride and wonderment.
This boy eventually grew up to become one of our country’s best spys – in fact, the team leader for a 300 strong group working for one of our U.S. three letter federal agencies. Having the experience and training required for taking responsibility of a group of 300 spies teaches one some pretty useful investigative skills. Our young farm boy, now grown, can now do some serious separation of fact from fiction concerning the tales of Melvin.
All you have been told is true. After three intensive years of historical research the family now has a pretty good understanding of their ancestor, Melvin Cane. In order to share this research with all Alabamians, the grandson, the spy leader, has enlisted the aid of a master storyteller to create Melvins Alabama History and place Melvin into the events of our Alabama history. Melvin may or may not have personally witnessed these events but we will let you decide that for yourself. In any event, you can stand where Melvin stood, hear what Melvin hears and see what Melvin sees.
The research has been done and the records have been proven authentic. Now, it’s time to let Melvin tell you about some events in Alabama history.
We hope you enjoy the stories. Welcome to Melvin’s Alabama History.