Crews Depot Alabama

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Crews Depot Alabama

Crews Depot Alabama

Crews Depot is in Lamar County

Crews Depot Alabama

Crews Depot Alabama

Mr. Editor:
Please allow space in your newsy paper for a few dots from our town.  Very few 
people have been in town this week owing to the white frost, which is hurrying 
them up to finish gathering their crops.  The residence and store houses of Mr. 
ALY HILL have been completed, and Messrs HILL & CO., have a good stock of goods in their new store.  The new bridge on Buttahatchie on the road leadin g from Crews Depot to Detroit is now complete and is a substantial structure, built of the best timbers and perfectly safe.  
	A few words on the result of the Wheel Co.  It was rumored in the 
Spring that each Lodge was going to buy its goods at this own price, and sell 
its cotton at its own price. But we se a very different state of affairs, the 
merchant having supplied them with goods at his own price, is now buying their 
cotton at the market price; so we see the merchant rolled the Wheel in the 
Spring, and in the Fall twisted the hub out of it……..
	Crews Depot, Nov. 14

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