Welcome to Digital Alabama

Although hundreds of visitors use Digital Alabama as a travel guide, it is actually a travelogue. “Travelogue” is defined as “a movie, book, or illustrated lecture about the places visited and experiences encountered by a traveler.” That definition perfectly describes Digital Alabama – it documents our travels around the state.
We’re Spies by Day, Super Heros by Night
All of us involved with Digital Alabama are current or former investigators. Our articles come from open-source intelligence (OSINT) data collected from publicly available sources – the term “open” refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or clandestine sources). We research folk tales, missing persons, ghosts and haunts, unsolved crimes, who-done-its and that kind of stuff. We have seen Alabama from some pretty interesting and unique angles.
The unique content here is written for your entertainment and education, not to entice you to travel and spend. The incidents are true and the places are real but we may interject fictional characters to interact and tell our stories. We work hard and uncover a lot of interesting stuff that goes into our stories and we always try to make the time to visit and talk with local folks to see what may be added to our stories and inquire about new tales.
We publish two types of articles:
( 1 ) Nonfiction—Articles about the places we visit and our experiences during our travels AND information on locations and topics gathered while doing research for clients and/or publications.
( 2 ) Historical Fiction—Fictitious accounts of true events as told by one of our imaginary writers.
Terry & Vickie—husband and wife.
- Terry, former law enforcement professional and retired private investigator – now an amateur investigative reporter, author & editor. More infomation about Terry can be found at his website, www.TerryPlatt.com.
- Vickie, former insurance industry professional. Proof reader.
- And others.
We love what we do. Finding the real story is exciting – especially when it can be shown that folklore and old newspaper articles are a bit removed from the whole story or the facts. We are professionals and are strictly business when doing our research but after hours we like to have fun, visit with others and dig for new stories. We are kids at heart. We endeavor to find the facts and introduce you to the history, culture, people and lifestyles of Alabama by way of entertaining stories.
We think everyone interested in our great state of Alabama should have the opportunity to examine and enjoy what we find. We take our research information and turn it into entertainment. Trained professionals report facts and fictional characters narrate historic events.
We travel statewide and meet many interesting people. In addition to historical fiction, we write about the people we meet and the places we visit.
So, whether you enjoy your adventures from the comfort of your easy-chair, a rolling RV or a bone rattling four-wheeler. our stories should satisfy your desire for stories of Alabama.
We are not into champagne and five-star motels. We’re more into the earthy stuff, the local comings and goings and what the local folks do. We’re into the local history, local legends and the secret history of people and places. And… we do not publish only about the positives and the safe streets. We tell you about the underside, the ugly family secrets and the whispered tales. If it’s ugly, dirty or smelly, we say so. We’re definitely not your run-of-the-mill travel guide.
We endeavor to submerge our readers in our Alabama culture, with emphasis on the lifestyle of the people of Alabama, our history, our art, our architecture, our religion(s) and other elements that helped shape our way of life.
We tend to avoid urban areas and crowded masses. Instead, our writers walk you through mostly rural and historical areas in order to expose you to the ways of local people, the real people of Alabama – their traditions and lifestyle. We visit local festivals, local rituals and rowdy hangouts and give you the good, the bad and the ugly.
Yes, we include information on popular Alabama travel destinations and we have info on overcrowded tourist traps. We have content about the “must see” destinations and plenty of “practical information” because a lot of travelers expect it even though it’s dull, dull, dull.
We primarily concentrate on the nitty-gritty, down-in-the-dirt true adventure stuff. The stories are true—taken from vetted sources and historical documents such as newspapers, membership lists, log books and so on. In most instances the stories will be spiced up a bit to make them more entertaining but the facts do not change. When one of our fictional characters is telling the story–well, then you can expect much more than a dull top-down newspaper article. You are, after all, right there with the character. If we do our job right you should be able to smell the smoke and feel the smack!
I welcome you to our website and hope you will find it to be among the most unique websites you have ever visited. In order for you to fully enjoy our articles and take advantage of what the site offers, there are things you should understand at the outset. This introduction is somewhat lengthy but is a pretty good story in itself.
Terry Platt, Webmaster & Editor
Ph: 251-583-5955