
Alabama Ghosts and Ghost Towns
subjects are common throughout the state of Alabama. Here are a few common ghost related subjects we like to investigate:
Alabama Ghost Towns
Ghost towns in Alabama are a popular subject for more reasons than you may think. For instance, it is often required that we survey an abandoned property or ghost town in order to recreate a past event in order to help determine if the event could have actually occured as described in old newspaper articles or testimony of witnesses.
Alabama Ghost Stories
We do extensive research prior to investigating a subject in order that we may be as productive as possible in discovering valid and useful information. Research of a subject more often than not requires extensive travel throughout the state so we map subject localities as one of the first steps. When we encounter a ghost town, or rumor of an abandoned area, we map it and, if time allows, talk with the locals and write their stories.
The Bride Ghost of Bayview Bridge in Mulga Alabama
Alabama Ghost Hunters
As stated elsewhere, we are not “ghost hunters” or any other type of “fill-in-the-blank hunters” with the exception of “truth” – we do go after the truth, the true story.Our small team consists entirely of trained and experienced professional investigators and investigative journalists. We are extremely fortunate to be able to call on former colleagues and a multitude of local experts across the great state of Alabama.
All of us here at Digital Alabama have what we consider the best jobs in the world. We are paid to travel the state and try to solve not only current mysteries but some of the oldest recorded or rumored incidents in our state’s history.
Alabama Ghost Tours
In summary let me say that you are the beneficiary of thousands of dollars worth of our time. We never publish results of our investigations without permission of our clients but we do fill these pages with incidentals of our investigations that make for some very interesting reading. We have taken a unique method of presenting our findings to you by having our finished reports narrated by professional story tellers – some totally fictitious and others a takeoff of real people, both past and present. We hope you enjoy our Alabama ghost tours by way of the written word.
We would love to work on your case. We would also greatly appreciate any information you may be able to share that would help us with our endeavors. We offer “Total Threat Solutions™” using the world-standard investigative process.
If you have investigation needs, questions or helpful information, please contact the editor via email: staff at digitalalabama dot com.