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![]() | Adamsville Alabama: Indian Meadows The community of Indian Meadows and the adjacent community of Shady Grove are both built over the top of an American Indian Cherokee burial ground. Haunting have been reported in both houses, Burgundy Drive (the street that runs through the communities) and in the adjacent woods. Dark figures and shadows can be seen moving about in the forests near people’s homes, and people who venture outside at night often hear people following them. However, when they go to investigate, they find no one. However, people sometimes find claw marks outside their homes. They also see ghostly figures rush past their houses at night. Inside their homes, people hear voices calling their names, have electrical appliances go on and off by themselves, have doors slam of their own accord, and sometimes see or hear people in their house. |
![]() | Alabaster Old Buck Creek Cotton Mill Buck Creek Cotton Mill is an old cotton mill opened in 1896. The remaining buildings on the mill property is in bad shape and trespassers will be arrested unless permission is granted by the city. Dark figures and strange noises have been reported by the locals that have named one of the black figures “The Black Phantom.” The mill was built on land that was at one time the muster ground for the Shelby County Volunteers that served in the Creek War of 1836 – the second Indian War. There were a number of deadly battles in the area. Alabaster Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Bass Cemetery Irondale, Alabama This cemetery is located on Ruffner Road also known as County Road 147 in Irondale Alabama. It is off a dirt road and back in the woods. The cemetery is 150 to 200 years old. Reports of paranormal activity are common. Ruffner Road Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Buck Creek Cotton Mill | Alabaster Alabama This haunted location is well known to locals. Ghostly dark shadows and strange noises have been seen and heard outside of the remaining standing buildings. 7th Street Southwest Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Consolatioin Baptist Church Graveyard Nothing less than reports of hellhounds, a shrieking banshee and whimpering from inside the church. The church burned in 2015 but confederate soldiers and a little boy and girl are said to still haunt the graveyard. Red Level Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Hotel Finial (The Victoria Inn) Anniston Alabama The Victoria Inn in Anniston, Alabama was once a beautiful mansion that has been transformed into one of the best places to stay in Anniston Alabama. It’s been converted into The Hotel Finial, a restaurant and hotel. Reports of the piano being played and footsteps in the main part of the building have scared more than a few visitors. Sometimes the glasses hanging in the bar clink, and a woman has been spotted on the upstairs landing. A real jewel of Alabama, the Victoria Inn is one of the top choices of travellers including famous celebrities. Anniston Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Hotel Finial (The Victoria Inn) Anniston Alabama The Victoria Inn in Anniston, Alabama was once a beautiful mansion that has been transformed into one of the best places to stay in Anniston Alabama. It’s been converted into The Hotel Finial, a restaurant and hotel. Reports of the piano being played and footsteps in the main part of the building have scared more than a few visitors. Sometimes the glasses hanging in the bar clink, and a woman has been spotted on the upstairs landing. A real jewel of Alabama, the Victoria Inn is one of the top choices of travellers including famous celebrities. Anniston Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | St James Hotel in Selma Alabama The St James Hotel is considered to be one of the most haunted places in the state of Alabama. Located in Selma, Alabama, the residents and visitors to the St James Hotel have given several accounts of hauntings and paranormal events that have occurred. The history of this hotel is considered to be rich in hauntings. Selma Alabama, United States of America |
![]() | Stringfellow Memorial Hospital The founder of the hospital, Mary Stringfellow was an organ player. The nurses say that if you are working the third shift, you can hear the organ being played in the chapel. But no one is there if you go and look. 301 East 18th Street Anniston, Alabama, 36207 |
Ash Land – Clairmont
Springs Hotel – Built over an Indian burial
ground. Back in 1972, a train hit a six year-old girl across the
street. Every night at midnight trains go by every five seconds.
Meanwhile, in the hotel, a ghost roams around and they say you can hear
the six year-old running through the halls.
Ashland – Hudson House – It’s an old house in the middle of nowhere. It is said
to be haunted by a lot of ghosts. When you walk around the house, you
can hear voices and footsteps, and you can even hear dogs panting. If
you stand in front of the house, you can feel someone tap you on the
shoulder. There is even a creepy dark figure that runs on top of the
Ashville – Engle Mountain
– Two tall figures have been seen walking the
midst of Engle Mountain. Residents of the area have reported hearing
shotguns going off in the night between 12:00AM and 2:00AM. It is often
said that residents around the area have computers that turn on and off
in the night with ghostly looking images popping up all over the
screen….LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!
Athens – Athens State
College – During the Civil War, a mysterious
lady in a flowing lace dress was looking out her window when
confederates bombed the place. She was so frantic, she took one last
look at her room on the very top floor, and jumped out the window. She
hit an open window on the way down, splattering blood down the wall of
what is now a college. Every Monday morning at exactly nine o’clock,
you can see the horrific scene in a ghostly, transparent sort of way.
Every other day of the week, you see her, standing there, looking out
of her window.
Athens – Athens State
College – McCandles Hall – It’s
supposedly haunted by a girl in a white dress who died in McCandles
Hall. It’s also supposedly haunted by Madame Childs, who haunts the
young women who stay out past curfew.
Attalla – Atalla Wood
Bridge – Some people say that a school bus full
a kids fell of the bridge and went into the lake for years people say
that if you go there at night just put your front wheels on the bridge
on the right side of the bridge and then put your car into neutral the
children of the school bus accident will push you across so that you
don’t fall off.
Auburn – Old Train Depot –
Near Auburn, there is an old abandoned train
depot. It is said that if you go in there, no matter where you go, you
always come back to the spot where you came in. The building is old, so
enter at your own risk. And as always, make sure you are not
trespassing. Many of the places listed are patrolled by the police.
Auburn – University Chapel
– Haunted by a confederate soldier.
Bankhead Forrest – Lawrence
& Winston CO. – A woman by the name of Aunt
Jeannie Johnson lived way out there in the forest. She used a skull to
do her dishes in and she would hang trespassers on an old oak tree
outside her house. Her house is partly fallen in but the rope is still
hanging from the oak tree. She is buried in a family graveyard close to
the home. It is said that strange things happen around her house at
night, especially on full moon nights and stormy nights.
Bay Minette – Old Public
Library – Was the site of old city hall/morgue
in the early 1900’s. Faces can be seen peering out windows, figures can
be seen moving about, and books move by themselves.
Bayview – Bayview Bridge –
It is said that a woman has been seen walking
across the bridge in her wedding dress. She ran away from her wedding
and when she was driving away, her car ran off the bridge.
Bayview/Birmingham – Mulga
– Village Falls Cemetery – There have been
sightings of ghostly figures hanging from a tree. Witnesses have
encountered many odd feelings of a presence being close. The
streetlights that are surrounding the cemetery often come off and on,
one by one, all by themselves.
Bayview/Jefferson – Mulga
– Bayview Bridge – Reports of a ghostly looking
white dress floating in the water.
Bayou La Batre – Bayou La
Batre Jail – Late at night while everyone is
quiet and still, a ghostly figure can be seen leaving the cell in the
middle of the jail. Also, you can hear the toilet flushing, even though
no one is ever in that cell. The legend has it that the cell served as
a “drunk tank” and the cops hung a man there in the early 1980s.
Bayou La Batre – Gwodz Rd.
– In the early 1930s and 40s, some members of
the KKK in Bayou La Batre hung some local black folks for reasons
unknown. To this day, ones who were hung come back on certain nights.
When you stop your car under the noose, turn off the vehicle and
lights, and wait, you can hear scratches on top of the car and it will
also shake. Also, you will hear screaming and sometimes laughter.
Bellville – Bush Upton’s
House – May 2008 Update: Burned down to the
ground several years ago. – This used to be a
Civil War Hospital. There are reports of ghosts of soldiers throwing
things at windows and breaking them.
Birmingham – Banks Middle
School – At the sixth grade section of the girls
bathroom on Halloween, you can hear doors slamming shut while you are
in class. Also, many years ago a teacher killed herself by jumping off
the airplane that sits on top of the building. It is said that a
disruptive student drove her crazy. Also, on Halloween the intercom
will just click on by itself.
Birmingham – Bass Cemetery
– The cemetery is just over 200 years old and is
the final resting place of many Civil War soldiers and deceased slaves.
There have also been reports of Occult happenings there. Along with
these reports came various accounts of animal corpses around the
cemetery. One crypt there has been located and the body was removed.
Apparitions have been seen, the feeling of being followed and strange
screams have been heard.
Birmingham – Old Public
Library – They say that in the library, people
see the man that first opened the building and that people have strange
feelings and can see things being moved by themselves.
Birmingham – Parkwood
Apartments on 4th Ave South in Birmingham – At
the apartments, they say that there was a horrible homicide in the
1970’s. Every year in January on the anniversary of the murders, blood
appears to ooze from the upstairs foyer, the stench of burning human
flesh is pungent, and one woman even reported feeling fingers caress
her neck and bosom. Many believe the apparition to be that of the
murderer who was never found.
Birmingham – Sicard Hollow
Road – Just drive up and down this road at night
and you will feel the strange energy. This road was part of the
original Alabama interstate highway over 100 years ago.
Birmingham – Sloss Furnace
– This used to be the Old Iron Plant, but is now
a popular location for concerts. The ghost of a worker who was killed
at the plant has been seen walking around the catwalks above the main
floor, where the concerts are held.
Bonneville – Owsley County
Elementary School – A girl was killed by another
student in the gym and she still runs up and down the gym bleachers.
She also haunts the bathrooms and can be seen in the mirror after
school hours. The girls locker room is not used anymore on the count of
odd occurrences and deaths of other students.
Boulder – Court House – It’s been rumored that ghosts have been sighted
walking around the courthouse grounds at night. These ghosts are said
to have been the hanging victims of the death sentences carried out in
the 1800’s.
Brewton – County Court
House – A gray orb appeared by the window of the
judge’s office.
Camax – Mill Bridge – This is a very old bridge with one lane and steel
overhead, located on the Country Club road north of Jasper, Al. It has
been haunted by the ghost of Moon Mullins for years. She died on the
bridge under strange circumstances over 75 years ago. Since her death,
several people over the years have reported hearing strange noises and
seeing apparitions on the bridge, as well as the nearby Black Water
Creek banks.
Camp Hill – Loveladies
Bridge – Twenty years ago, a woman and her baby
died in a car accident on the bridge. It is said that if you go to the
middle of the bridge at night and say, “Lovelady, Lovelady, I got your
baby!” three times, she will appear on the other end of the bridge and
walk towards you, looking for her baby.
Cardiff – Cardiff Cemetery
– The older people from the area say that this
is where the dead look for their loved ones. On Friday the thirteenth,
if you drive your car up to the graveyard, your car dies and you can’t
start it for about five minutes.
Carleton – Mount Nebo
& The Boardwalk – This is an old cemetery
with a boardwalk right up the road. In the cemetery, there are
headstones with faces on them and the faces will change to a smile, or
mad face, or just move around. When you go to the cemetery, if the
light on back of the old church isn’t on then you won’t be able to see
anything. Make sure the light is on. Down the road a little ways is the
boardwalk (6″ wide boards on stilts that stretch a mile over swamp
about 30ft high). When you walk across it, you get the feeling someone
is behind you and it makes your hair stand up. You’ll also hear the
sound of a child screaming. They say a child got lost in the swamp
during civil war times and died there.
Carrollton – Pickens
County Courthouse – The original courthouse
burned down and everyone blamed Henry Wells. He was a rowdy man who
lived out in the county. He was arrested and locked in the attic of the
new courthouse. As a thunderstorm was rolling in, a mob gathered
outside demanding that Wells be turned over to them. As Wells peered
through the garret window at the mob outside thirsty for his blood, a
lightning bolt struck the window, killing Henry Wells. From the strong
electrical discharge, Wells’ face was etched into the glass. No amount
of cleaning has been able to remove the face from the pane of glass. It
is still there today at the Pickens County Courthouse.
Clanton – Bridge in Refuge
– There’s this bridge in a place called Refuge.
It’s a small, one-lane bridge in the middle of nowhere. If you go there
at night, you can hear strange sounds and see balls of light. Some
people have said that when you get out of your car, you can hear and
feel someone walking right next to you and feel a menacing presence.
Lots of people have seen fog chasing them and there’s one area that no
trees grow and everything looks dead. People have reported that their
cars will start rocking, as well as being chased by an unknown entity.
You can also feel an evil presence on some nights.
Clanton – Cry Baby Bridge
– Legend has it that one foggy night a very long
time ago, there was a war going on. This woman had a baby and men were
chasing her to kill her child, so she threw the baby in this little
creek and the baby died. Now if you go over the bridge and leave an
unwrapped candy bar, turn around and it will be gone. Some people say
they can hear a baby crying, and sometimes you may even look into the
water and see the shadow of a baby.
Capper Center – Tonseno
Lodge – A man was killed in the hotel, and now
he’s haunting it. His ghost has been sited several times by many
people. The hotel has since been closed down.
Columbiana – Old
Courthouse on Main Street – Reporters have
investigated and it’s said to be haunted by a ghost that occupies the
top floor. It was an old courthouse, but now it’s just a museum to
artifacts of a variety of old things. The blinds open and shut by
themselves, and knocking can be heard in the upstairs kitchen and
bathroom. A door was sealed off in the bathroom and the knocking
usually comes from outside the door, only outside the door is nothing
but the world. A wall was built behind the door and the knocking,
noises and movement have yet to be explained.
Culavista – Highway 82:
North of Prattville – This part of the
interstate was built on an Indian burial ground which has caused more
car wrecks than any other part of the interstate.
Cullman – St. Bernard
Prep. School – A little boy in the girls’ dorm
looks over you while you sleep. There is also a monk that can be seen
floating across the campus late at night!
Cullman – Vinemont – Cry
Baby Hollow Off Highway 31 North in Cullman County – It is said that when Cullman was being settled, a
family in a wagon was crossing the small wooden bridge. A wheel broke
off and the wagon turned over, throwing a small baby into the creek,
killing it. Since that time, you can hear a baby crying. Also, if you
put a candy bar on the bridge, leave and then come back, there will be
a bite taken out of it.
Cullman – Woodland
Hospital – Several employees are said to have
heard strange noises of people walking around in empty rooms as well as
seeing ghostly visions of deceased patients in certain rooms. Also,
commodes flush by themselves on the psych unit, ice machine will pour
ice out at early morning hours without prompt. In the employee lounge,
it was reported that an employee was in the bathroom (an old hospital
room) and heard footsteps and jingling keys in the room outside the
bathroom door, as well as someone tinkering around in the room. No one
was there.
Dauphin Island – Fort
Gains – This old fort is haunted by soldiers
that died there. Spooky figures have been reported to appear all over
the premises. People have claimed that a strange figure will follow
people leaving the fort, then disappear.
Dauphin Island – Shell
Mounds – In the depths of Shell Mounds, there is
a clear circle surrounded by trees. This circle was the ceremony pit
for the natives that are buried in this Indian Cemetery. On well-lit
nights, you can see the female natives dancing to the sounds of their
Decatur – Decatur High
School – Apparitions and footsteps are seen and
Decatur – Crybaby Hollow –
A long, narrow, dark road off of Hwy 31 will
bring you to an eight foot long bridge with no rails that is said to be
haunted by the spirit of a crying baby. If you park on the bridge and
put your car in neutral, your car will either rock back and forth or be
pushed forward. Small handprints have been left on the cars afterwards.
Decatur – South Morgan
Health Care Center – Pictures have been taken of
ghosts looking in from the outside. Heavy breathing has been felt from
behind. Cold gusts of wind blow at the bottom of the stairs inside.
Ghosts have been spotted darting into rooms.
Demopolis – Gainswood
Plantation – The ghost of Evelyn Carter haunts
this house as well as other ghosts. Ms. Carter was the sister of a
housekeeper in the late 1800’s. Also, the smell of a man named Colonel
Gaines’ pipe is hinted near his study and the rush of skirts is heard
going down the main stairs from the birthing room. Some have felt an
occasional push.
Dora – Old Dora – Old Dora has a street that once, a long time ago, was
the center of town. The town itself was built around the railroad
tracks and depot. Many stores and businesses lined this street. There
was a church and many homes in the surrounding area. A cement tunnel
gave pedestrians an inlet to the town under the railroad tracks. The
roads are still a remembrance of older days made of old concrete and
stone. Many people met their demise in Dora, either by the tracks or
other occurrences. At one time, when racism was still the norm, a black
man was accused of stealing a horse from a local resident, and was
sentenced to die by hanging from a nearby train trestle. It is said
that the very second the man’s neck broke, the horse was found in a
farm just outside of town. When the moon is full, you can just barely
make out the silhouette of a man dangling from the trestle. And if you
listen really close , you can still hear the mournful moans of his wife
in the adjacent forest.
East Brewton – Fort
Crawford Cemetery/Park – If you go in the
cemetery at night at around 11:00PM – 12:00PM, you can sometimes hear
children laughing and see a shadowy black figure roaming the cemetery.
In the park, from around midnight to 3AM, you can see a confederate
solider walking around. If you stay long enough, he will ask you if you
have seen his gun.
Empire – Deer Valley
Estates – A long time ago, there was a graveyard
on the left side of the road. They say that all of the houses closest
to the road on the left side are haunted. The older folks in the area
say that at the second house on the left, if you look closely, you can
see the figure of a man holding an axe through the window.
Empire – Little Vine Grave
Yard – A small, greenish light in the graveyard
can be seen when you pass by it.
Enterprise – The Rawls
Motel – When going up the stairs to the second
floor, there is said to be a faint odor of a cigar. If you climb the
stairs and look over the second floor landing, you will feel like
something is trying to push you over the stair rail. It is said that
there was a woman who was pushed over the stair rail by her lover. She
fell and was killed instantly. Employees that were working on the third
floor said they heard the patter of small feet and childish laughter.
They searched and found no one in the building but themselves.
Fackler – Moody Brick
House – People have said that they see a
woman in white carrying a candle from room to room at night through the
Five Points – Over
fifteen years ago, there was a school bus full of children who were on
their way home. They went over some railroad tracks and a train hit
them, killing every one of them. Some say that on a cold night, you can
pour flour on the back of your car or use any moisture or dew that’s
already on the back of your car. Then, pull up on top of the tracks,
turn your car off and wait. Soon, you will feel someone trying to push
your car off the tracks. Next, pull up to the street lamp just ahead,
get out of your car, and take a look at the back of your car. There
will be little hand prints in the flour or dew on the back of your car.
Florence – Ghost
Bridge – Supposedly, a run-away slave was
hung from the bridge during the civil war. There have been many
sightings there.
Florence – Sweetwater
Plantation – Music is played occasionally
on an old piano that sits in the parlor where guests were entertained
by a former Governor, back in the late 1800’s. The caretaker recalls a
light being turned on at night on the second floor and faucets being
turned on at night when she is trying to sleep.
Florence – University
of North Alabama Area – Guillot University Center – Before it was built, a dorm for girls stood in its
place. What is now UNA used to be Florence State Teacher’s College. In
the early 1900’s, a student at the college who lived in the dorms was
said to have a secret that stressed her out so much, that she hung
herself from the elevator shaft in the tower of the building. No one
knew what her secret was or why she felt she had to kill herself.
Later, security guards in the building would hear noises that sounded
like a swaying body hanging from a rope. Now the Guillot Center stands
in its place and noises are still heard on the second floor.
Florence – University
of North Alabama Area – Norton Auditorium – Haunted by a ghost named George, who was a
construction worker helping build the auditorium some time ago. He fell
from a scaffold to his death. He has been heard walking on the catwalk
and various other things are heard as well.
Florence – University
of North Alabama Area – Off Campus Bookstore – In the late 30’s or early 40’s, a young girl named
Molly lived in the building with her parents. For her eleventh
birthday, her parents bought her a puppy. Soon, her puppy contracted
rabies and bit her hand. Within a week, Molly died. Her ghost has been
seen many times in the upstairs window, looking down.
Florence – University
of North Alabama Area – Weslyan – Haunted
by a civil war general’s son. He drowned when he jumped head first into
Cypress Creek from the old one lane bridge on Waterloo Road, a couple
of minutes from campus. His wet footsteps can be seen at night.
Fort Defiance – Tse Ho Tso Middle School – The school gym is haunted by several children who had
died in a fire. The girls’ locker room is a very active place. Benches
move, lockers open and close violently, and showers, faucets, and
toilets turn on and off. You can also hear giggles and voices.
Fort Rucker – Lake
Tohlocco -confederate army camp used to be
in the woods surrounding Lake Tohlocco. Figures and sounds can be seen
on moonless nights.
Fultondale – Old
Walkers Chapel Cemetery – Reports of
something grabbing the feet of witnesses and attempting to pull them in
the grave, sometimes pulling the shoes off their feet.
Gadsden – Coosa
River – In the 1950’s, several well-known
citizens of Gadsden reported seeing a sea serpent while they were
fishing in the Coosa River.
Gadsden – Crestwood
Cemetery – This location was formerly a
plantation with a brutal history. Witnesses have caught glimpses of a
slave hanging when visiting their family’s graves. They reported they
could also see the men responsible for hanging him and their dogs.
Gadsden – Gadsden
Public Library – The third floor of the
Gadsden Public Library is haunted by the original founder of the
Gadsden – General
Forrest Middle School – This middle
school is supposedly haunted by General Forrest. Weird things happen in
the sixth grade basement.
Gadsden – Hinds
Road – There was once a witch who lived
on this road, which connects Noccalula Mountain and the Dwight Mill
Village. Ghost investigators have taken pictures of orbs on the road.
Gadsden – Linen
Service – Late at night or early in the
morning, you can hear people talking and doors shutting from about
midnight until about 3:00AM.
Gadsden – Mount
Pisgah Cemetery – Two local ghost hunters
have made pictures of orbs and numerous light strands during a recent
investigation at this old cemetery. The cemetery is located
approximately eight miles down Tabor Road, across from Mount Pisgah
Gadsden – Mountain
View Hospital – At night you can hear
banging and see black shadows. You can also see people in the backyard
of the hospital at night, but no one is there. There have also been odd
things seen by some of the patients and staff.
Gadsden – The
Haunted Bridge – The Haunted Bridge is an
infamous legend in the city of Gadsden. There was a couple that had a
farmhouse near Gadsden. The couple got into a heated argument, in which
the woman finally ran away with her baby. Feeling sorry for his family,
the man of the house got on his carriage and searched for his wife.
Hiding near the bridge, the woman appeared out of the bushes and scared
the horses. The horses knocked both her and the baby into Black Creek,
drowning both of them. Since then, a woman can be seen walking the
banks of Black Creek, carriage wheels are heard, and a baby’s cry is
sometimes heard. Many people have had different experiences, and one of
the houses near the bridge was reported to have had an exorcism
Gallant – Children’s
Cemetery – Ghost children come out to
play sometimes.
Gardendale – Hodges
Cemetery – Things bang on your car, faces
and hands can be seen on your car windows, a wolf chases you, a light
moves, red glowing eyes can be seen, tombstones move around, strange
sounds, noises and music are heard, and shadowed creatures are seen.
Gardendale – Moncrief
Cemetery – Weird screams coming from the
coffins along the north side. Ghostly apparitions have been seen
walking in the mortuary at 12:00AM sharp. Also, cars die when turned
Gardendale – Morris
– New Castle House – On New Castle Road
in Gardendale/Morris there is this old house that is believed to be
haunted by several spirits, one in particular. Her name is Melissa, and
is thought to have lived on the land before the house was built. She
roams around a lot in the yard by a catfish pond that is in the front
of the house. Some believe she lost a loved one in that pond. The ghost
of Melissa will try to befriend anyone who has lived in the house that
has children, and try to lure them to the pond at night.
Geneva – The
Hangin’ Tree – At the junction of the Pea
River and the Choctahatchee River is the largest oak tree many have
seen. It sits alone on about a half acre, but plenty of others are on
its outskirts. This is where mainly unjustly accused black men were
hung long ago. To this day, a fifty foot diameter is around the tree
where nothing grows. Kids will play around it, but won’t get on its
Geraldine – Old
Powell House – The house was originally
located on the opposite side of the road, but was moved in the 70’s.
The family who built the house would lock their children upstairs in
the attic during the day. The children could be heard screaming for
help. When the house was moved, pictures began to break, tables moved
at random, and voices could be heard. It is said that the children
haunt the house, as well as the parents.
Glenco – Hanging
Wedding Dress – The story states that a
couple were engaged to be married. The night before the wedding, the
man was out having a party with all his buddies at a local bar. The
woman’s family tradition was to hang the wedding dress in a window the
night before the wedding, to let people know they were getting married.
The house burnt down that night and killed the woman. You can drive by
at night and still see the wedding dress hanging in the top window, but
it is gone during the day. The house is on the left side of the road
right before the street you turn on to go to Green Valley Speedway
(which is on the right side of the road). Cross the railroad tracks and
follow that road for about a mile. The house will be standing on the
left side of the road. Pull onto the road in front of the house and
look in the top left window.
Grant – Alabama
State – Becker Hall – Deceased
basketball players still meet for a late night game, with fans there to
cheer them on.
Greenville – Cry
Baby Creek – People say that years
before, a woman and her baby were in a car accident and the baby landed
in the ditch. It’s said that you can hear the baby crying around
midnight and the mother calling out for her baby.
Gulf Shores – Fort
Morgan – You get the feeling all the time
that you are being watched, and you see shadows crossing the fort walls
at night.
Guntersville – Bishop’s Graveyard – A
witness claims to have gotten photographic anomalies, like mists and
Guntersville – Whole Backstage Theater – This
theater is haunted by two known ghosts. One is of an older man that has
been known to set stage mattresses on fire and slam doors. The other
spirit is of a little boy who can be heard laughing.
Haine’s Island – Nancy Mountain – Nancy
walks up and down the hill to the ferry in hopes to meet her son and
husband that were in the war. She is seen walking with a lantern in one
hand and a bucket of water in the other.
Hartford – Pondtown
Creek – At the bottom of the hill, there
sits a small wooden bridge over a creek that flows into the woods on
the other side. Off to the side is an old wrecked car with scratch
marks covering the driver’s side door. Legend has it that a hateful man
on that very same road, killed a massive German Shepard. The dog (now
white and ghostly) supposedly haunts the road, looking for the man who
took his life. They say on moonless nights, you can pull up to the
bridge, shut your car down, and turn off all the lights. You’ll hear
and sometimes see this frightful apparition.
Hartselle – Cry
Baby Holler – People claim that a woman
was driving over this narrow bridge and wrecked her car. She lived, but
the baby in her car died. Now, when you drive over that bridge at
night, stop and sit there until you hear a baby crying. Leave candy on
the bridge. Come back a couple of minutes later, and a piece of the
candy is gone.
Hazel Green – Dale
Mansion Site – A woman supposedly killed
six of her husbands here. On stormy nights, you can hear men screaming.
There is a family plot where her father, the first settler of DeKalb
County, is buried. Teenagers have destroyed the cemetery. It’s on
private property, so no trespassing!
Hueytown – Lilly
Lane – Residents of the entire street
have reported seeing an old man walking up and down the street late at
night. He always wears jeans and a white shirt. He has even been seen
in some people’s houses. He has been spotted in the neighborhood for
many years, and believed to be a protector spirit.
Huntsville – The
Carter Mansion – Haunted by the ghost of
Sally Carter, who is buried on the Carter Estate. She has been sited
walking the grounds. Some say she is responsible for toppling her
headstone on occasion. – December 2006 Update: The body of Sally Carter
has been moved to Maple Hill Cemetery in an unmarked grave. Sally still
haunts the Carter Mansion. She throws pillows and moves the furniture
around. The house is now in a gated community. Unless you have an
appointment, you will have trouble getting in. No trespassing!
Huntsville – Dead
Children’s Playground (Next to Maple Hill Cemetery) -The ghosts of children often are seen swinging on
swing sets or sometimes the swings move by themselves, as if someone
were on them. The children are seen very late at night, or early the
next day from around 11:00PM to 3:00AM, too late for children to be
Huntsville – Hell’s
Gates (Green Mountain) – There’s a set of
big black gates that stands about a mile from the bottom of the
mountain that guards some huge mansion. If you sit in front of the
gates for a little while, a car will come down the mountain and chase
you until you get to the bottom. When you do, the car will suddenly
vanish…its no myth.
Huntsville – Heritage
Bible College – WHBC Frat House – Late
at night, you can hear the ghost of former youth minister Anthony
Stephens walking through the house, flushing the toilet. His now
deceased brethren Robert Ekisbus and Adam Cooper follow him around
making noises that almost sounds like the word, “cheese”.
Huntsville – Huntsville
High School – People have claimed to hear
footsteps and laughing of teenagers through the halls at night after
late softball or basketball practices.
Huntsville – Kent
Robertson Park – A young boy died there
one summer day. They named the park after him and made a memory stone.
He still is heard in the park at night and the hunt club -woods behind
Huntsville – Maple
Hill Cemetery – An old lady passed away
and was put in the family burial house. Her family placed her antique
rocking chair in the crypt with her, because it was a prized possession
to her. Most anytime when you stand outside the burial house, you can
hear the rocking chair moving back and forth.
Huntsville – Old
Dallas Mill Site – The Dallas Mill was
built in 1891 and burned down in 1992. It is haunted by a man who died
while cleaning the smoke stacks shortly after the mill was built. It’s
also haunted by a homeless person who lived there after the mill burned
down. People have reported seeing him wandering around the ruins.
Huntsville – Space
Camp – Space camp counselors tell the
story about a man who was working on the sleeping quarters at the
facility. One day, they were using explosives to make large holes in
the ground for the below-ground quarters. The explosives went off early
and the man was buried alive by dirt and rubble. Until this day in the
halls and in some rooms, they can still hear his cries for help echoing
through the halls and large moans late at night.
Jacksonville – Dump Road – Dump Road is
an unofficial name given to a section of the old Chief Ladiga Indian
trail, located at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. The
modern name, “Dump Road” was given because of the trash dumped
illegally up on the mountain by local people. This trail was traveled
on by early settlers in the 1800’s. The road is above the unmarked
neighborhood called, “Brownwood Estates”. Originally, a paved section
was completed going up the hill to the old road. It was supposed to be
an expansion of the subdivision but was never completed in the 1980’s.
It hasn’t been confirmed, but it’s rumored that the contractor
responsible for developing the neighborhood had a bad experience on the
old road, and never completed the subdivision. There are power poles
set, but no lines. Since then, it is frequented by teens looking to
park at night, camp, or for off-road vehicles. Many sightin gs during
the day and night have included horses and wagons making their way
along the old trail. Some people have claimed to see what appeared to
be a black slave hanging from a tree above a clay embankment on the
road, which is now used illegally as a shooting range. In the late
1980’s, a couple that lived in the neighborhood below hiked into the
mountain and discovered what was later found to be an old slave house
near where a plantation burned in the early 1900’s. Some reports from
campers have claimed that while sleeping at night, they suddenly felt a
very heavy presence and were woken by blood curdling screams in the
forest. More reports suggest the sounds of screams and horses hurrying
down the trail with an angry mob. Also reported are sightings of
torches and lanterns bouncing around on the trail. It is believed that
this is the event leading to the slave being hung. Residents in the
neighborhood nearby have reported seeing a man walking up and down the
street at ni ght, disappearing into the woods leading to the mountain.
Jacksonville – Jacksonville State University – Weatherly
Hall – There have been reported instances of
footsteps, message boards being torn off doors and flung down the hall,
moving furniture in locked rooms, and something playing with people’s
clocks. – June 2008 Update: was torn down
a few years ago.
Jasper – Mill
Creek Bridge – The bridge collapsed when
two men in an asphalt truck went over it. Their ghosts are supposed to
haunt the new bridge.
Jasper – Samaria
Church – There are railroads by the
church and long ago a man lost his hand working on the railroad. At
night, if you sit there in your car, he will tap on it with a hook. One
person drove away when he heard the tapping, and when he stopped, there
was a hook stuck in the car.
Jasper – Warrior
River Bridge – John Monnasco died after
an eighteen-wheeler hit his car on Warrior River Bridge. It is said
that he haunts the bridge and throws sticks and rocks at the trucks
that pass the bridge, trying to get his revenge.
Kinston – Grancer
Harrison’s Dance Hall – Sounds of music
and dancing are heard in the abandoned dance hall of the late Grancer
Lafayette – Hilltops
Apartments – Over 15 years ago, many
reporters and people found out that there were gravesites that used to
be where Hilltops Apartments is now. At night, they say if you stay
alone in your house for ten minutes and turn off everything in your
house except for the lights, there will be a very cold chill over your
body. A ghost will stare at you with a hat on and a farmer’s outfit
(overalls). It will not leave that night until you boil water and hold
it to keep the ghost from coming towards you.
Lauderdale – Elgin
– Jazz Man – The story goes that a jazz
musician was walking across the Second Creek Bridge when a car struck
him. He walks up and down the bridge, still wearing his white Zoot
suit, looking for a ride to Florence. If you stop to pick him up, he
says something about his trumpet and disappears.
Lauderdale – Florence
– Forks of Cypress Plantation – This is
where the infamous Ghost Bridge is located. What many people don’t know
is that the ruins of the mansion that burned down are still there. The
columns of the old ruins are still standing. The hauntings occur in the
slave cemetery and the family cemetery as well. There have been many
people that have claimed to see the ghost of a tall, stately woman in
the family cemetery. The cemetery is surrounded by a ten foot high
wall. If you kiss the symbol on the top of the tallest burial marker,
the lady is said to appear. In the slave cemetery, low African
Spiritual singing and sounds of mourning can be heard at around
midnight in the cemetery.
Linden – Sally’s
Lane – A young woman who was beheaded on
a road while riding in her wagon in the 1800s still haunts the area.
The family, who owns a hunting camp next to the lane where she was
killed, has experienced unexplained events. Green lights that have been
linked to spiritual hauntings, seeing young children play in period
clothes and disappearing, and being slapped in the middle of sleeping
have all occurred without a single explanation.
Lincoln – Old
Downtown – Downtown at night near the old
gas station at the bar, a man haunts it. People say that in the middle
of a fight, the man was killed when he was struck by a train. The
person accused of pushing the man in front of the train also haunts the
land in search of a battle he could not win.
Lineville/Barfield – Quick Stop Service Station – In the 1990’s, a man was robbed and thrown in the
freezer of a service station. In 2001, he was murdered at his home. Now
it seems as though he’s still at the service station, because at times
you can hear voices and screams at night. The service station is up for
sale, yet no one will buy it to this day.
Little River – Red Eagle Gravesite – It
is reported that the site where the Indian Red Eagle and his mother are
buried is haunted. Late at night if you go out there, you can see the
Indian dancing around his grave and the oak tree that sprouts from his
Livingston – Covered
Bridge – A figure can be seen standing in
the windows, as well as strangeness related to cold feelings and a
black and white cat.
Lynn – Highway
5 – A woman was walking down the side of
Highway 5 near the Winston County Drag Strip. She was run over and
killed by an 18-wheeler. Her ghost now jumps onto the side of
18-wheelers looking for the driver that ran her over.
Madison – Maple
Hill Cemetery – About 20 years ago, a
lady died and was buried in the clubhouse of Maple Hill Cemetery. In
her memory, her family made a rocking chair. People say that if you
stand outside you can hear the rocker creaking back and forth.
Madison – Shelton
Road Park – at the end of Shelton park
late at night you can hear noises of kids first screaming like a having
fun laughing type but then at the end it turns into kids screaming for
there lives.
Marbury – Marbury
High School – Football Field – A
cheerleader was killed after falling off the goal post during pictures
for homecoming. On homecoming night, it is said that if you stand on
the fifty-yard line after a game and call her name, she will appear and
start walking towards you.
Marion – Judson
College – People get feelings of being
touched, and there are rumors of marks being left on the victims.
Marion – Judson
College – Building J – A female
apparition can be seen along with movement from the windows. The sounds
of scattering feet and whispering are heard. The bell tower is locked.
Marion – Judson
College – Carlisle Hall – Believed
to be haunted by an unknown female spirit.
Marion – Judson
College – Kirtley Hall – Room 313
is haunted by two different ghosts. One is Anne Kirtley herself, and
the other is a girl who supposedly killed herself in that room. The
doors and windows shake, there are cold spots and more often than not,
the entire room is a “cold spot”.
Marion – Marion
Military Institute – Built in the early
1800’s, Marion Military Institute was used for other purposes besides
schooling. During the civil war, battle victims were taken to the
Chapel on campus, which was turned into a hospice. The ones that didn’t
survive were buried directly behind the chapel. Since then, cadets have
had experiences with objects in their room being moved, unusual noises
in the hallways and rooms, and experiences with paranormal activity.
Some believe that the spirits that live on campus, due to their extreme
mood changes, possess some of the cadets. There have been no cases of
violent ghosts or apparitions, but there have been several reports made
about cadets having been alone and then having a sudden rush of a
presence being in the room.
Marshall – Manchester
– Graveyard – A town once buried by Lake
Guntersville, it has only left its mark with a Civil War era graveyard.
This was a place where séances were once popular. Day or night
there is a constant fog that covers the ground that surrounds the
gravestones. Not an easy place to find unless you live in the area, but
nonetheless SCARY!!!!!
Mentone – Desoto
Falls – Story goes that a lady named
Nancy Dollar lived near the falls in a little old house that can still
be found today. After her death, thieves broke into her home, killed
her faithful dog and stole all of her money, which she had been saving
to buy her own tombstone. Mrs. Dollar was buried without any kind of
marker, and shortly thereafter the apparition of an old lady was seen
walking near the falls. So many sightings were reported that a
collection was taken up to pay for her tombstone. After the marker was
erected, the sightings decreased, but it’s said that you can still see
a phantom black dog running around her cabin.
Midway – Midway
Baptist Church – On Highway 84 near
Evergreen, lays Midway Baptist Church. On certain nights you may see
balls of light come from the cemetery and go across the highway. They
have been known to follow people.
Mobile – Boyington
Oak – In an old cemetery behind the main
branch of the Mobile library, is an oak tree that grew out of the grave
of a man named Boyington. He was a black man wrongly accused and
executed. His last words were that an oak tree would grow from his
grave to prove his innocence. Some say that they hear strange noises
coming from around the tree.
Mobile – Mobile
Christian School – Students and coaches
have heard people playing basketball in the gym. Games from the
football field being announced when no game is taking place.
Mobile – Oak
Next to Public Library – Within close
range of the huge oak tree, crying and whispering can be heard.
Mobile – Seven
Hills Cemetery – The apparition of a
woman can be seen hanging on a cross.
Mobile – University
of South Alabama – The Seaman’s Bethel Chapel Theater – The Seaman’s Bethel Chapel Theater – The basement is
haunted by the ghost of a small child who plays in the costume shop.
The ghost of a seaman in a captain’s coat haunts the fly loft.
Mobile – USS
Alabama Battleship – Located in Mobile
Bay, the ship was brought to Mobile in 1964 as a tourist attraction and
memorial for veterans in Alabama. The Alabama is a South Dakota class
Battleship that was completed in 1942 for use in WWII. The “Mighty A”
saw plenty of action against the Japanese in the south Pacific and is
credited with shooting down 23 Japanese aircraft. Somehow, the Alabama
and her crew managed to make it out of WWII without casualties or
damage from enemy fire. The only deaths on board the ship were 8 people
in a 5″ gun mount (mount #5) that were killed by friendly fire from
another gun turret (mount #9) on the ship. A safety feature that
prevented the turrets from firing if they were pointed at another
turret or part of the ship failed. Mount 9 fired a round into mount 5
which exploded and killed everyone inside. All that remained of the gun
commander was his boots. There we re little fragments of bone and flesh
plastered on the walls inside the turret where the men were vaporized
by the exploding shell. There were also two other deaths while the ship
was under construction at Norfolk Naval Shipyard. A former worker
reports that they had to stay on the ship overnight alone quite a bit,
so they got their share of scares. Their first encounter was in the
Marine Compartment where the Marines slept. Footsteps were heard
approaching from around the corner when there was nobody on board. All
around the ship, strange footsteps and voices were heard. Heavy solid
steel watertight hatches on the superstructure would slam shut with a
loud thud for reasons that could not be explained. Late at night when
the whole ship was very quiet, the bulkheads would seemingly come alive
with popping and tapping, and at times it was concentrated in one area.
Needless to say, the Mighty A was very much alive.
Montevallo – Montevallo
Middle School aka The Old Prentice High School – When there was still segregation, Montevallo had two
high schools. They were called Montevallo High School and Montevallo
Negro High School or Prentice High School. The principle at the Negro
school was called Mr. Prentice. He had a great life. He was very sweet
and was known as someone who always checked on things. Time began to
get tough on Mr. Prentice because of segregation. So he hung himself in
the girls’ locker room. He still haunts that room. You know he’s there
if you hear a little chuckle! A young girl recently saw him in 2001.
She claimed that someone was walking out of a wall! Sometimes doors
open by themselves where his office was! The students claim he’s just
checking on things.
Montevallo – University
of Montevallo – Has several haunts. It is
said to have a tunnel running under the entire campus. They were used
in the civil war, and are now used as steam chassis. The theatre
department in Reynolds was a civil war hospital. There was a massacre
and many of the rooms were stacked with bodies. On the forth floor of
Main, (one of the girls dorms) a girl burned to death while trying to
cook fudge on a Bunsen burner. They have replaced the door several
times, but her image is burned in the door every time the door is
replaced. There are also a lot of odd occurrences as well as several
ghosts that frequent the campus of Montevallo.
Montevallo – University
of Montevallo – King House – Chills
were felt when sitting on the bed. Also experienced a book falling to
the floor and opening to a page referring to the haunting of this
particular place.
Montevallo – University
of Montevallo – Main Hall – Early
in the 20th century, a student was cooking fudge, but she knocked over
a bottle of alcohol that she and her roommate were using. The alcohol
spilled on her nightgown, which got caught in the flame. Her roommate
tried to use a rug to put out the fire, but it fell off of her as she
ran out into the hallway and burned to death. You can still see her in
the halls in a flaming nightgown. She was 16 years old.
Montgomery – Huntingdon
College – The Red Lady haunts one of the
old dorms here called Pratt. She always wears all red. After committing
suicide, she has appeared to several people. Another ghost on the
campus is called, “The Ghost on the Green”. He shot himself on the
green and he still walks the green at night. You can’t see him, but you
can feel him. He will tug at your clothes or blow in your ear or mess
with your hair.
Montgomery – Maxwell
Air Force Base – Student Dorms – Officer
School attendees often report an eerie presence in building 1433, which
was built closest to the river of all the dorm facilities. Often, young
lieutenants will wake up to a bed soaked through with water. They’ll
see shadows move down the hallway, (mostly on the second floor) and
also many report having vivid and horrifying nightmares. Some will
continue to scream even if prompted to wake up. A burnt electrical
smell also pervades the 2nd floor on occasion, as well as haywire
electrical appliances. The spirits are attributed to Confederate
soldiers who drowned in the Alabama River while trying to cross into
the city of Montgomery. The ghosts also show a predilection for
students who are from northern or western states (states which are not
known for their southern accent).
Montgomery – The
State Capitol Building -The architect of
Capitol and Custodian reported seeing the ghost of a Confederate woman
roaming the halls on the second floor offices. There have also been
reports of water faucets turning on by themselves in the Governor’s
reception area restroom.
Montgomery – Tallapoosa
Entertainment Center – Located just on
the banks of the Tallapoosa River and owned by the Poarch Band of Creek
Indians, this casino is in close proximity to some very old burial
mounds. Employees have reported feelings of not being alone, as well as
voices whispering in their ear when no one is standing next to them.
Other odd occurrences include machines seemingly playing by themselves,
screens on the machines changing displays without being touched, ice
jumping out of drinks by itself, and doors opening and closing by
themselves. Maintenance people on the premises even reported seeing a
ghost on the far side of the parking lot when the now complete main
building was still under construction. – – WARNING – This is considered
FEDERAL PROPERTY/RESERVATION LAND! Make sure you are cleared with the
Poarch Band of Creek Indians and the Tribal Police Department before
walking around in re stricted areas on the premises!
Moulton – Auto
Zone Off 157 – The land which the new
store is built on was a cemetery. When they surveyed the land and took
pictures, a ghost of an early 1900’s solider was in the picture,
covering his face like he was in front of the person, taking the
Moundsville – Moundsville
State Park – The state park is a site
where there are Indian mounds, from which the town gets its name. On
occasion, a drum has been heard coming from within the park, and lights
are seen on top of one of the larger mounds that resembles a Central
American pyramid.
Mount Hope – Henry
Hill (Gravity Hill) – If you park your
car in the hole, put it in neutral and turn it off, the ghost of Henry
will push you to the top, in hopes that the same thing will not happen
to you. Many people have done this, and it ALWAYS works.
Moundville – The
Whatley House – The home was built on an
old slave quarters. It is said to have a cemetery under the house. The
biggest complaints are of noises and things being moved around.
Munford – Bethlehem
Methodist Church – It’s said that if you
drive by the cemetery late at night, you’ll see a yellow orb of light
floating in the cemetery and across McElderry Road. Also, drive around
the church three times, park in front facing the church, turn off your
lights and the window blinds will rise up by themselves.
Munford – Chehae
– The Hotel – In the 1800’s, a hotel was
built on the mountain during the war. The Yankees used the motel to
hold rebel soldiers. The hotel was only used for a few weeks before the
war was over. All the prisoners were killed and half the hotel burned
down. If you go down the road at night, you can see an orange glow and
hear the screams of soldiers. But if you stop to get a better look, all
you’ll find is half of an old hotel.
Munford – Chehae
– Gravity Hill – Gravity Hill is on
Cheaha Road. When you go there, put your car in neutral and sit there
and your car will be pulled. Loud screams of a woman who was murdered
there can be heard.
Munford – Cemetery
Mt. – Cemetery Mt. has a lot of stories.
It gets its name from all the cemeteries that are on it. Some of them
date back to the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. An old man lived alone
with is dog on Cemetery Mt., and during hunting season, he took the dog
out with him. It is said that other hunters thought the dog was a deer,
and killed the dog. The old man never found his dog. It’s also said
that the old man died soon after. Some time later, some hunters heard a
shot, and came upon a black lab dog that was still alive. They stood
up, looked around and saw this old man. The old man asked them if they
had seen his dog. The hunters said yes and turned to point, but the dog
was gone. They turned back around and the old man was gone too! Other
happenings are, red eyes can be seen about one foot off of the ground.
People think they are imps or goblins. Also, there is an old church in
the woods w ith a book on the podium. You can pick it up, but it starts
to get heavier as you try to walk out the door with it. Before you get
to the door, the book gets so heavy, you can’t carry it out. The book
is rumored to be a copy of the devil’s bible. Satanic rituals are
rumored to have been held there.
Munford – Hill
Elementary School – The former principal
and founder of the school, Ophilia S. Hill, haunts the school. She died
outside the school by being struck by lightning. Some think she stays
there to guard the school from any harm.
Munford – The
Foundry – Haunted by the ghosts of
children who were killed on the land in which it was built.
Nauvoo – Highway
5 – A woman was hit by a truck and
killed. Now her ghost is said to jump on top of trucks to see if the
trucker is the one that killed her.
Newton – Choctawhatchee
Bridge – At a hanging gone wrong, a hole
was scratched out beneath the feet of the victim who was too tall for
the rope that was used. A witness to the hanging dug the hole with a
crutch, under the dangling victim. To this day, you can fill the hole
and the ghost will come and dig it out.
Newton – The
Hanging Tree – During the Civil War, one
of the soldiers left the war and went to visit his family. He was later
found by members of the community and hanged for desertion. He was a
tall man, so they had to dig out a hole so his feet would not touch the
ground. To this day, no debris of any sort will remain inside the hole.
People have filled up the hole, only to find it completely cleaned out
upon their return.
Northport – Brownville
– Brownville was a town back in the 20s.
Not much remains there anymore except for the old church house. It is
said that on some nights, you can hear children laughing that were in
an old nursery that used to be in the church.
Northport – Old
Bryce Hospital – Writings on the walls,
strange noises, and cold spots are some of the phenomena that occur in
this old mental institution. – September Update: Upon entering this old
institution, there are strange feelings of presences watching you.
Throughout the entire building(3 floors and a basement)there are
writings on the walls, and lots of graffiti. It was recently burned on
the first and second floors, but not severe. Reports of telephones
ringing, furniture being moved, footsteps heard in the hallways, and
cold and hot spots throughout. You just get an odd an eerie feeling in
the building. There is no need for any high tech equipment here. You
can feel everything you need to know. Patrolled on Halloween and
sometimes during the week. You could be caught for trespassing.
Northport – The
Northport Ghost – Just off Highway 43
outside Northport, the ghosts of two Confederate widows have been known
to approach passing cars, thinking they were the wagon carrying their
husbands back after the Civil War. Unfortunately, they are rarely seen
nowadays because the road has been paved, the area has been developed,
and it is not as rural anymore.
Notasulga – Tuskegee
Area of Macon County – Tuskegee Army Airfield – During WWII, the army built Sharpe Field in 1941 to
train the black pilots of America. Many of you may know the story of
the Tuskegee Air Men, and that many lives were lost while training. At
night, the faint sound of an explosion can be heard. Also, certain
parts of the now abandoned airfield are haunted with the screams of the
pilots, and voices can be heard as well. WARNING! NO TRESPASSING!!! An
exclusive hunting club now owns the property. Signs are posted that
read, “Anyone found here at night will be found here in the morning.”
Notasulga – Tuskegee
National Forest – Eye witnesses have
reported strange noises. The forest was also used by devil worshipers
for strange and unreal meetings in the early 1990`s. Macon County
Sheriff’s Department raided an old house out in the forest after
discovering bodies. The devil worshipers feared that the law would find
their secret burial ground so they burned the house down, but still
used the forest. To this day, if you go out in the forest at night on a
full moon, beware of them. They cursed the area and made it haunted.
Notasulga – Union
Camp Road – Old Confederate Graveyard – An
old Confederate graveyard back off in the woods is said to be haunted
by dead soldiers. Late at night, you can go there and see ghostly
figures in the woods, and hear sounds and voices.
Notasulga – Notasulga
Volunteer Fire Department – Now the site
of a new larger station, for years the fire and police station sat
side-by-side here. But in 1997, a young man driving home from a late
night party fell asleep at the wheel. When he rounded the curb, he
crashed into the fire and police stations, sending the two up in
flames. Today, strange noises can be heard, footsteps up stairs, and
even someone at the front door has been seen, but when approached he
Opelika – Double
Hill Road – There is an old cemetery that
was said to have been moved years ago. It was just a few feet after you
cross the first bridge. If you look on the right after you cross the
bridge, there is a bright green spot of grass where the cemetery used
to be. Also, walk down the road late at night and cross the bridge.
After a few minutes, a horseman in a carriage will start coming toward
you, and then run off the road where the old cemetery was. Then, when
you go back in the morning there will be carriage tracks where he ran
off the road.
Opelika – Springvilla
Plantation – Witnesses reported sounds of
moans and chains rattling.
Owens Cross Roads – Behind Hell’s Gates – Unexplainable
things occur here. You hear chanting and noises, which you cannot find
the origin of. Things can be thrown at you that you will never see, nor
will the object ever hit the ground. You hear footsteps chasing you if
you run, but there’s no one ever there. Inside the mansion, behind the
gates it is unnaturally cold. You can hear whispering and screaming
from inside the mansion, but no one is there.
Palmerdale – Kindergarten
– A strange man believed to be the
groundskeeper of the first built school can be seen in the front
window. He can also be seen walking the halls. He will then appear in
the window. Also, the feeling of being chased is felt.
Parrish – Jacks
Restaurant – There is a tale of an old
Indian ghost that has been named, “Mary”. She’ll knock things off the
shelves, slam oven doors open and then slam them closed. You could be
really hot and then all of a sudden, your freezing. Also, the night
crew will turn off all the grills, and in the morning they’re all back
on. There are constant strange whispers over the drive thru speakers
and in the bathrooms. It is a true story. Not one person who works or
has worked there can tell you that one day has passed without something
totally creepy occurring!
Phenix City – “Old
Girard” School – Girard School used to
stand on the south end of Sandfort Road until it was demolished in
1994. Next to the graveyard, which butted to the school, cold spots
during the summer and hot spots during the winter can be felt to
observers. Also, several people reported seeing children attending
class in 1930’s attire during the late 1980’s. Sometimes the school
bell will ring during the middle of the night, but the old abandoned
building has no power.
Phenix City – Shotwell
Covered Bridge – A woman and her two
children were in a car wreck when the bridge they were crossing over
gave way, and the car fell into the ravine. The wreck killed all three.
It is said that if you put candy on the side of the bridge at dusk and
turn your headlights on, you can see the children get the candy off of
the bridge.
Pine Ridge – Horton
House – The Horton House is an abandoned
house located on the outskirts of Fort Payne in a small town known as
Pine Ridge. The house is the site of a vicious murder, where a father
went insane and mutilated his wife and his three children, and
committed suicide shortly after. Witnesses say that the entire family
haunts the house. There have been stories of séances that went
horribly wrong in this house. There have also been numerous accounts of
people being choked when they walk into this house. Knocking can be
heard on the walls and the floors, and the sounds of a bird will come
through the bay window that turns into the sound of loud screams of a
young girl.
Pinson – Pinson
United Methodist Church – At night, in
the cemetery behind the church, an apparition of a woman can be seen
sweeping the graves with a broom.
Prattville – Bear
Creek Swamp – In addition to the lights
seen by cars, there have been apparitions of Civil War soldiers seen by
a few people who lived near the swamp. The people also heard noises and
there are an unusual amount of snakes and lizards around the house.
Prattville – Gurney’s
Manufacturing – It’s the location where a
little boy fell down an elevator shaft and didn’t survive. It’s said
that his mother looks for him. -Update: According to local news, Gurney
Mfg. burned down. It was a historic building and a lot of people in
Prattville had ties to it.
Prattville – Main
Street – It is said that if you cross the
street by the Gurney building, you can see shadows going across the
street. But due to recent news, the gurney building has been burnt
down, though you can still see the shadows.
Prattville – The
Plantation House – Haunted by the ghost
of the former owner, Mr. Davis. He killed himself in the early 1920’s.
The ghost flirts with women mostly by blowing in their ears and
touching their backs.
Prattville – The
Swamp – Near Prattville, north of
Montgomery, in which there are lights that move around. The lights will
approach one’s car if immobile.
Red Level – City
Limits – Oakey Streak – Late at night, if
you go there between the hours of 1AM and 3AM, stand at the gate of the
cemetery and ask questions, you will hear someone running towards you
and answer you. Then they will tell you to get out. If you don’t leave,
you will hear a woman scream bloody murder until you do leave. There is
also a white building at the entrance of the cemetery. If you drive in,
turn off your car and leave the headlights on, you will see a ghostly
figure walk out from behind the building into the graveyard.
Red Level – Consolation
Church – The church is no longer used
because of Banshees. If you sit inside of the gates you can hear
Confederate soldiers marching. There is an outhouse in the back of the
church, and if you go inside by yourself, the door will shut behind you
and lock. You can only get out if someone comes and lets you out. There
have also been tales of possession. When you are leaving, there is a
tale that says that a little boy will appear, playing with a ball. If
he rolls it to you and you pick it up and give it back, you are going
to die. Also, while you are driving back out the driveway, there is a
little girl that is skipping down the road. Your car will not go past
her. If you try to go past her, your car will stop and you have to wait
for her to get ahead of you to go. Also, if you overstay your welcome,
there is a 1960’s model black ford truck that will come speeding down
the road, and i f it catches you, then you will get into a car wreck
with no survivors. There have also been sightings of hellhounds around
that cemetery.
Rehobeth – Old
Rehobeth High School – If you ride by the
front of the school at midnight, you will always see a janitor ghost
that died there while cleaning bathrooms. He waves at you when you
drive by.
River Falls – River
Falls Slave Prison – If you go down River
Falls Road away from Andalusia, you cross a bridge. Turn to the right,
as if you were going to Point A. Go to the boat ramp and look to the
left. There is a road that goes beside a field. Walk down the road. The
road goes to the prison. Walk down the road late at night and sing the
gospel song, “I’ll Fly Away” loud. You supposedly can see three black
guys hanging from a tree in front of the prison. If you walk to the
back of the prison, where you can look out over the water, you can see
something dragging something else underneath. It is falling apart
though, so if you go, be careful.
Rockford – Old
Jail – A man who committed suicide in
this old brick building is said to walk its halls.
Rogersville – Lauderdale
County High School – March 2005
Correction – No children died in the fire. – In 1959, the elementary building caught fire and a
third grade class was trapped inside and burned to death.
Saraland – Kali
Oka Road Plantation – Story has it that
an old lady lived in the old home with her seven foot tall black
bodyguard and housekeeper. There are reports of seeing the guard
standing by the front porch, as if he was still guarding her.
Saraland – Oak
Grove Road – a.k.a. Kali Oka Road – Formerly
listed in Mobile, Satsuma – This is less
than a mile from the Plantation listed above. The real road the
Plantation is on is Oak Grove Road as I have been there many times. The
story of Crybaby bridge is a woman killed her young child by drowning
it in the creek below. It is said that you can hear the sound of a baby
crying late at night.
Seale – A
Church – In slavery times, whites went to
church here. The story is that someone was hung behind the church, but
no one knows for sure. It is said that the church lights up in the
middle of the night and deep monstrous voices could be heard. On the
same street, there is said to be a man (ghost), maybe in his lower 30s,
who walks the street in the middle of the night and will try to run you
off the road. The church is near a cemetery.
Selma – Morgan
Church – If you cross the church’s gate,
you feel a strange presence that falls over you. It has been said that
late at night, if you cross the gate, you see what appears to be people
standing in front of the church. Reports of people being hit, and not
remembering what happened the next morning.
Selma – Sturdivant
Hall – People often state they have seen
people wandering the building. It is a very old historic building built
in the early 1800’s. It is the site of tours in Selma and a historic
Sheffield – Palmer
Mansion – During the Civil War Era, a
black man and his wife burned to death on the location of the huge
Southern Mansion owned by the Palmer Family. The current residents have
seen a figure of the black man standing in the doorways. They also hear
him making noises all through the night. The mansion also has a small
round window to a room that has no access from the inside of the house!
Guests have seen objects move by themselves in the house.
Silverhill – Woodhaven
Dairy – Reports of fires starting by
themselves. A tall black figure is seen in one of the barns, with red
lit eyes. Things also move on their own. The well in the deep part of
the property had two children thrown into it over 50 years ago. There’s
a faint smell of blood in the old dairy. A child can be heard running
through the hallways. Sometimes it makes its exit by busting through a
window while someone is in the room. Other footsteps are heard in the
house, candles and precious things go missing, and animals turn up
Smiths Station – Shotwell Covered Bridge – The
bridge is said to be haunted by the ghosts of two children who were
killed there in a car accident. The bridge is closed, and out in the
middle of the woods. Supposedly, if you put candy on the bridge after
dusk, the kids will come and take it.
Society Hill – Holt Cemetery – Lots of
strange noises can be heard. If you take pictures, nine times out of
ten you will see strange and unexplained things. If you leave a tape
recorder, you can almost always hear someone singing.
Steele – Flatwoods
– This stretch of forest is said to be
haunted by the ghosts of a settlement of freed slaves. The people set
up a small settlement in the flat-forested region shortly after the
civil war. It is said that the KKK burned the little town one night and
killed a large number of the residents. A few buildings still stand out
there, and lights have been seen among them at dusk. There are also
reports of the smell of burning meat on foggy nights.
Sunflower – Railroad
Crossing – A railroad worker by the name
of Jake, not sure of the date, fell asleep on the tracks one night and
was decapitated when the train came through. Every night after midnight
he appears. Lights can be seen down the tracks (there is no other
crossing), you will hear a train but there is none, and he’ll walk
towards you with his lantern.
Tallapoosa – Alexander
City – Oakachoy Covered Bridge – There
used to be a covered bridge down the dirt road off Highway 259. If you
go there at night and turn your car off, at 12:05AM exactly, your doors
will lock themselves and your car will start. It has been said that a
slave was lynched there for allegedly messing around with the
landowner’s wife. He’s trying to get people to leave by his actions. He
was hung in semi-secret on the bridge at 12:05AM.
Tallapoosa – Alexander
City – Sturdivant Mansion – This is an
old mansion in which you can see people standing in the upper windows,
as well as lights at a distance, even though there are no floors or
roof in the place. It was once a place where people would get off the
train and stay for the night. That is, until one night someone got off
and killed every occupant of the house.
Tallapoosa – Dadeville
– Liberty Graveyard – You will feel an
eerie presence as you top the hill and see the tombstones. Walk down
the trail if you dare, and you will hear the crying of a baby for his
father who perished in the Civil War.
Tallapoosa – Harper
Hill – On Prospect Road Off of Hwy 49 –
It’s an old church and cemetery. You can feel the presence of something
near you, even though you are alone. Sometimes in the upper front
window you can see a misty substance in the form of a body. You can
feel what’s left of the floor vibrate. The tombstones are interesting
Thomasville – White
Lion Inn – If you go upstairs or to the
bathroom at night, cold feelings come over you, and strange figures
sometimes appear. They will then instantly disappear when you take
notice of them. If the figures don’t appear, you strangely have the
sudden urge to run downstairs, or get out as fast as possible.
Talladega – Cemetery
Road – The road is located in the
national forest. It’s a road with people buried under the ground. Every
house is at least five minutes apart. It’s said that at night, the
ghosts of the people buried can be seen. So if you drive down this road
at night, keep your eyes open and windows shut. Watch and you will see
the ghosts of the dead.
Townley – Easley
Cemetery – Some say a ball of fire is
seen floating through the air, and it comes up the road towards you.
Townley – Old
Townley Jail House – This jail house is
haunted by the ghosts of people once incarcerated there. Legend has it
that their screams can be heard as they were being burned to death, and
you can hear the laugher of the guards that stood by watching.
Troy – Troy
State University – Pace Hall – Noises
can be heard, as well as sightings of a female figure. Also, items
shake and move by themselves.
Troy – Troy
State University – Shackelford Hall – CONDEMNED – A girl named
Sally hung herself in third floor stairwell, due to depression. She now
haunts the third floor where her room was.
Tuscaloosa – Drish
Mansion – This is an old plantation home,
now in the midst of Tuscaloosa. It was built by Dr. John Drish, for his
wife Sarah. When Dr. Drish died, Sarah burned candles while he lay in
state. After the ceremony, Sarah locked away the candles and asked that
they be burned at her funeral. As Sarah’s health declined, she became
somewhat obsessed with the candle burning. Then, after her death, her
friends and family were too busy to look for the candles, and Sarah was
buried without the ceremony. Shortly after, the tower where Sarah
burned the candles for her husband, caught fire. But as fire crews
arrived, the fire was gone. There was no evidence of burned wood, not
even a wisp of smoke. The ghostly fire happened a few times more and
people began wondering who was starting the ghostly fires. Then, one
night after one of the fires mysteriously vanished, the ghost of Sarah
Drish appeared.
Tuscaloosa – Gamma
Phi Beta Sorority House – The name or
origin of the ghost is not known for sure, but the legend has it that
before sorority row was built, there was a home for children on that
site. It is said that a small boy by the name of Adam was accidentally
scalded to death in a bathtub. There have been numerous incidents of
faucets cutting on and off without explanation, as well as doors
slamming down the halls of the house. The spirit is more noticeable at
around 8PM, when not many people are present in the house. Several have
reported having a “creeped out feeling” and then seeing faucets or
televisions turn on without explanation.
Tuscaloosa – Maxwell
Crossing – Confederate soldiers still
roam the grounds.
Tuscaloosa – The
Old Bryce Mental Institution – The ghosts
of mental patients that were tortured, beaten, and killed in the
institution still roam the halls. There is a foul odor as you descend
into the basement, but there is no longer access to the basement.
WARNING: You can be charged with trespassing.
Tuscaloosa – Old
Public Library on Greensboro Avenue – A
presence is felt in the round room on the left side of building, as if
something is watching over you and protecting you. Upstairs, leading to
the top turret, a black evil presence is felt, trying to make you fall
down the stairs. There’s the sensation of something against your back,
and the feeling that whatever is up there wants to do you harm. Another
presence is felt in the main room at the window. There’s the sensation
of someone looking out and waiting. In the lower basement level there
were tunnels where soldiers hid during the Civil War, and presences can
be felt there as well.
Tuscaloosa – Stillman
College – Hay Hall – On the
second floor, there have been reports of one of the rooms being haunted
by a girl who use to live there. Also, you can hear voices and loud
sounds coming from the third floor of this hall. It’s strange that
noises come from there, because nobody has occupied the third floor in
Tuscaloosa – University
of Alabama – The Quad – This is
said to be haunted by the ghosts of four Civil War soldiers. A man who
hung himself there haunts the guard shack next to Amelia Gorgas
Library. The Amelia Gorgas Library is also believed to be haunted by
Amelia Gorgas herself, because she was so dedicated to her work.
Tuscumbia – Bellemont
Mansion – The Antebellum House sits on an
old plantation. There have been many sightings of the spirits of the
slaves. It is a tourist attraction now and the shackles still remain on
the cellar walls.
Wagerville – The
White Lady of Wagerville – There is a
small place called Wagerville, between Chatom and Leroy. Behind the
Texaco Gas Station, there is a dirt road by a cemetery that is haunted
by a woman who was raped and killed there. Around midnight until about
3AM, you can park on the road along the cemetery gate, turn everything
off and put your car in neutral. The white lady will push you along the
road out of harms way. It is NOT downhill. The car rocks back and forth
like someone is pushing it. Some have seen the lady as a white light or
form, and others have seen her walking in the cemetery. Sometimes you
don’t see her but you can hear her footsteps outside, as she pushes the
Walker – Sumiton
– Sumiton Elementary Middle School – There
is a man that died there who worked in the boiler room. He has been
seen there, wondering the school several times a day.
Warrior – Corner
High School – There was this old cemetery
in the early 1800’s, and workers tore the tombstones down and built
Corner High School over the old cemetery. At night, if you look very
close, you can see spirits walking up and down the halls.
Wetumpka – State
Building – Several spirits haunt this
building. They usually will whisper things like, “Get Out!” in your
ear. This remains a problem, because they cannot get any janitors to
clean the building in the morning.
Wetumpka – Wetumpka
JR High – Gym – The old pool
under the floor was closed down. At certain times, you can hear voices
and see flashing lights. You can also hear the sound of water sloshing
around and someone drowning.
White Plains – Camp Cottaquilla – This
girl scout camp is known for the legend of the one-armed girl scout who
goes door-to-door every year during the week of Halloween.
Wilcox County – Coy – Rail Road Tracks – Believed
to be the site of where a school bus accident occurred in the 1950’s.
There are reports of the ghosts of children playing on the tracks late
at night or very early in the morning.
Wilcox County – Coy – The Carstarphen Cemetery – This is the final resting place for prominent black
families. It is known for a light that shines over the graves. People
have searched and cannot find the source of the light. It is also said
that visitors can hear people speaking and calling them by their name.
Woodville – Union Cemetery – If you go there late at night,
you can hear the screams of all the old Confederate and Union soldiers
from the Civil War.