The Tutwiler Hotel
The Tutwiler Hotel

The Tutwiler Hotel has an especially interesting and haunted past. Apparently, a bartender working at the hotel in 1995 experienced a multitude of ghost sightings after the lights of the bar and kitchen would turn on by themselves. The bartender reportedly turned the lights off four times for them to be snapped back on for five nights in a row. On the sixth day, he was greeted by a mysterious and unexplained multi-course meal with candles and wine. Many believe it was offered by the ghost of Colonel Tutwiler, for whom the hotel was named. Although messy, Tutwiler was a respectful ghost as no further paranormal shenanigans occurred since the bartender began to conclude each shift by bidding the Colonel a good evening and kindly asking him not to leave a mess. They haven’t had a problem since making that part of closing procedures.
2021 Park Pl,
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 325-1183
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