Announcement, Governor Bibb Graves.. ……….. …._ ………. ______________ 5-6
Alabama, Yellowhammer, a Poem, Elisabeth Winter Watts ______ 7
Alabamian’s Creed, Walter B. Jones _____________ ft “~ -»—-••-—••—— ——•——«—— ——ta«.—«. «•.»«.«,_ _^.^—-.——w. –w U
Mounds Near Moundville, Illustration _________________________________________ 10
Rich Archaeological Remains of the Moundbuilders,
Marie Bankhead Oiven.—
Alabama! Yellowhammer! Historical Sketch,
Elizabeth Winston Sheehan _____________________________________________________ 27-33
The Ballad of the Yellowhammer, Elizabeth Winston Sheehan…. 34-35
Governor Wm. J. Sam ford, Illustration ____ ._ ____ : __________________________ 36
William James Samford, a Sketch, M. B. O… ______________________________ 37-38
Thomas Chalmers McCorvey, a Sketch, M. B. O _________________________ 39-40
The Highland Scotch Element in the Early Settlement of
Alabama, T. C. McCorvey, LL.D __________________________________________ 41-49
Game and Fisheries Conserved in Alabama, Walter J. Knabe…. 50-62
Recollections of the Plantations, John Witherspoon DuBose _____ 63-75
March, April, May, Poems, Kate Slaughter McKinney _____________ 75
Mobile County Cajans, Laura Prances Murphy… _________________ _____ 76-86
Admiral Raphael Semmes, a Sketch, M. B. 0 ______ ….. _________________ „ 87-89
Alfred Iverson Branham, a Sketch, M. B. 0 ______________________________ 90
The Sinking of the Alabama, Alfred Iverson Branham ________ . ___ 91-98
Thomas Jones Taylor, a Sketch, M. B. 0 ______________________________________ 99-100
Early History of Madison County, Thomas Jones Taylor ___________ 101-111
The Alabama, a Poem, Miss Zitella Cocke ___________________________________ 112
Albert James Pickett, a Sketch, M. B. O __________________ ,___ ______________ 113-115
Historic Homes, Maud Martin Butler _______________________________ ,. ____________ .116-119
Butterflies, a Poem, Miss Zitella Cocke __________________ ___________________ 120
The Supreme Court of Alabama, Its Organization and Sketches
of Its Chief Justices, John C. Anderson _________________________ „ ____ 121-123
History Repeated in a “Nineteenth Century Night/’
Mildred Reynolds Saffold _____ ___________________________________ 124-127
How the Violets Blow, a Poem, Miss Zitella Cocke……. ….. _______ 128
Mobile’s Azalea Trail, Sam H. Lackland ____________ . ________________________ 129-130
The Iberville Historical Society of Mobile, Erwin Craighead _____ 131-137
Noon in Barbour County, a Poem, Lawrence Lee _______________________ 138
Early History of Tuscaloosa, Thomas P. Clinton _______________________ 139-147
Genealogical Department, Mary R. Mullen ___________________________________ 148-149
Editorial, (Mrs.) Marie Baukhead Owen _________________________