Alabama Civil War Sites Map
Alabama Civil War Sites Map
Civil War in Alabama
Alabama soldiers fought in hundreds of battles; the state’s losses at Gettysburg were 1,750 dead plus even more captured or wounded; the famed “Alabama Brigade” took 781 casualties. Governor Lewis E. Parsons in July 1861 made a preliminary estimate of losses. Nearly all the white men served, some 122,000 he said, of whom 35,000 died in the war and another 30,000 were seriously disabled. The next year Governor Robert M. Patton estimated that 20,000 veterans had returned home permanently disabled, and there were 20,000 widows and 60,000 orphans. With cotton prices low, the value of farms shrank, from $176 million in 1860 to only $64 million in 1870. The livestock supply shrank too, as the number of horses fell from 127,000 to 80,000, and mules 111,000 to 76.000. The overall population remained the same—the growth that might have been expected neutralized by death and emigration.
Civil War Sites in Alabama

Battle of Athens
Battle of Day’s Gap
Battle of Decatur
Battle of Fort Blakely
Battle of Mobile Bay
Battle of Newton
Battle of Ebenezer Church
Battle of Selma
Battle of Munford
Battle of Sulphur Creek Trestle
Battle of Spanish Fort