Alexandria Alabama
Alexandria Alabama

Alexandria Alabama History compiled in 1921 by Thomas McAdory Owen, LL.D.
Post office and station, in the central part of Calhoun County, secs. 34 and 35, T. 14, R. 7, E., on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 10 miles northwest of Anniston, and 25 miles southeast of Gadsden. It was first called Coffeeville, in honor of Gen. Coffee, who fought a battle with the Indians in 1813, 2 1/2 miles west of Alexandria. Later it was changed to the present name.
Altitude: 555 feet. Population: Alexandria Precinct, 1870 – 1,689; 1880 – 121; 1888 – 100; 1910 – 90; Alexandra Precinct, including the town, 1910 – 2219.
The locality was settled about 1834, or earlier. Among its prominent settlers and citizens have been Dr. Atkinson Pelham, Dr. John H. Vandiver, Col. John M. Crook, S. D. McClelen, Elisha McClelen, Robert A. McMillan, Daniel Crow, Jacob R. Green, Lewis D. Jones, Seaborn Whatley, Floyd Bush, Daniel Bush, Rev. J. J. D. Renfroe, and Frank Woodruff. “The Gallant Pelham,” son of Dr. Pelham, was born and reared near Alexandria.References. – Brewer, Alabama (1872); Northern Alabama (1888), p. 112; Polk’s Alabama gazeteer, 1888-9, p. 71; Alabama Official and Statistical Register, 1915.