Baileyton Alabama
Baileyton Alabama
Baileyton Alabama was settled by Robert Bailey, a farmer from Georgia in 1870 and incorporated in 1973. The post office was established in 1883. The town is located in Cullman County. The area that now encompasses Baileyton had scattered settlement during the early nineteenth century, and the town’s namesake, Robert Bailey, was one of the first to build a homestead in the area in 1870. Bailey also ran a cotton gin. Originally part of Blount County, the town became part of Cullman County when it was created in 1877. Baileyton’s population according to the 2010 Census was 610.

The main attraction in town is the “Good Time” Drag Strip with races every Saturday night. The Drag Strip opened in 1966 and is operated by Mr. Jack Walker and family. It is a local favorite and has received national attention.
Baileyton Alabama Town Hall Address:
Baileyton Town Hall
Physical: 95 Fire Station Road
Mailing: P.O. Box 116
Baileyton, AL 35019
Baileyton Alabama Phone:
(256) 796-6447
Noon – 5 PM, Monday – Friday
Baileyton Alabama Council Meetings:
1st Monday of each month
Baileyton Alabama Town Clerk:
Patricia Gilbert
Baileyton Alabama Council Members:
Windell Calloway
Roy Shedd
Walker Mead
Ray Kent
Greg Griffin