Map: Georgia & Alabama Post Offices, Post Roads, Canals, Rail Roads


Georgia & Alabama Post Offices, Post Roads, Canals, Rail Roads

Maps created for one purpose often contain a tremendous amount of information useful for purposes other than that intended. The References statement in the top right of this map indicates the map is marked with six types of routes:

  1. Horse Mail Post Coach Roads
  2. Stage
  3. Sulkey
  4. Cross
  5. Rail
  6. Canals

One might think the sulkey routes would be frequently traveled and be composed of locations frequented by local residents.

Title Map of Georgia & Alabama exhibiting the post offices, post roads, canals, rail roads & c.; by David H. Burr (Late topographer to the Post Office), Geographer to the House of Representatives of the U.S. Summary Detailed map showing relief by hachures, drainage, township and county boundaries, cities and towns, canals, roads, and railroads. Contributor Names Burr, David H., 1803-1875. Created / Published [London, 1839

This map is available as a high resolution download HERE.