Alabama Sunshine 
Alabama Sunshine, in Fayette Alabama, has treated tastebuds for close to twenty years by carefully controlling the ingredients of their sauces, jams and jellies. Most of the ingredients are grown on their own farms or by farmers under contract and oversight of Fred Smith, the founder of the company.
Alabamians love flavor – not so much hot, but certainly flavor and Alabama Sunshine produces flavor with a guarded threshold of hot. Their sauces are not all about hot, they are about capturing the natural flavors of the garden and giving you that little something extra for your own recipes.
Although not widely known, tours of the facility are available by appointment. Your tour will not be a long drawn-out hike because, even after 20 years, Alabama Sunshine is still a small outfit, still doing things by hand and not trying to be anything other than what they are – a locally grown and locally made taste treat. The production facility, offices and gift store are all in the same location in Fayette.
For a tour and a good dose of Alabama Sunshine, give Fred a call at 1-800-660-3933. You just might discover what that secret ingredient is that so many Alabama cooks are using.