Museum of Wonder in Seale Alabama
Museum of Wonder in Seale Alabama
41 Poorhouse Road
Seale Alabama
Russell County Alabama
Phone: 334-855-9547
North of town. From US Hwy 431 turn east onto Hwy 169, then immediately south onto Poorhouse Rd. The drive-thru “Museum of Mystery” is at the intersection of 431 and 169

The Museum of Wonder, which started in the 1970s as Butch Anthony’s taxidermy shop and artifact room, is filled with a huge collection of art, artifacts and antiques. Promises over 10,000 marvels from around the world, including the world’s largest gallstone. There’s a small walk-in museum, and a separate drive-thru section where artifacts are displayed inside shipping containers with cut-out windows. Come see curiosities from around the world and beyond! (but mostly from Alabama!)
The Museum of Wonder is now filled with art, artifacts and antiques, and some very strange items. Very interesting and unique place! There’s a mix of odd antique relics and cool paintings with skeletons overlayed on historic paintings.
Visit The Drive Thru Museum, open 7 days a week. 970 Hwy 169 Seale , Alabama 36875