Consolation Church Cemetery, Red Level Alabama
Consolation Church Cemetery
Red Level Alabama

Nothing less than reports of hellhounds, a shrieking banshee and whimpering from inside Consolation Church, also known as the Oakey Streak Methodist Church.
Legend and the local rumor mill is that local family ancestors and visitors to Red Level have for decades told that the church was abandoned long ago due to circumstances that could not be controlled. Generations of residents have told tales of human possession and driverless trucks around the church and graveyard.
Reports from paranormal investigators and statements from visitors passing through the area of the church have been documented and all claim that they have been touched by spirits when they asked for a sign from beyond the grave.
The church burned in 2015 but confederate soldiers and a little boy and girl are said to still haunt the graveyard.
Long time residents and former church members attribute the tales to “pure hogwash.”
Alabama Ghosts and Ghost Towns Index.

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